We always think of friends and try to define the term to best of our ability, but we fail to acknowledge that the term has its root deep into heart and its very tough to define the words that come from heart to yourself then how can you define it in words or on paper.
This post describes how two with two different pole attitudes shared such beautiful moments of friendship.
One of the friends is a bit shy, hesitate to look beyond a time, aggressive, intelligent, lazy but is quick and sharp. The other one is not that shy, always try to look beyond a period, not so aggressive, hard working. However both shared a few qualities but they are quite insignificant to mention here.
I am going to mention some of the beautiful moments both shared........
They met first time in Senior secondary school while solving Co-ordinate geometry problem on second row, third bench sometime around mid August. One was solving problem the other was staring at him.
They turned acquaintances in K K Swain tuition, the common factor was both did not have friends in tuition classes and Jyoti master Chemistry brought them bit closer and they started sharing their experiences.
In school they had their moments, it is not that they always roamed together but there was something that always brought them closer.
One of those factors was cricket, both are fans of watching cricket matches so as so that they bunked classes to watch the match in library and were surprised to find each other in same room. Both of them have been caught red handed while watching matches, but they never repented for the punishment they got. That was the first crisis time both faced together.
Both the friends really spent some light moments in school corridors. Both of them studied together sometimes even over phone.
There was a situation when one of the friend's had a fractured leg and the other had just learned to ride a scoot y but admits all risks the latter provided lift to former in order to collect certificate from home that were required for registration, and in lab exam also helped the former in experiments. There was no emotions pertaining to friendship in latter one but he could never define why he was helping the other guy.
To their bad luck they both landed up in the same engineering Institute and that too in same branch and same section. It is not that we sit together in class but they do share the chair while watching cricket matches in common room.
Both the Semesters they both shared light moments especially while moving together for exams. One of them got opportunity to move up into CSE branch while the other one tried hard to gain a slide up and that too while deciding branch to slide up he took the advice of his so called school friend. The latter one did not know what motivated him to act on the suggestion of other, but took the decision.
While attaining a class test, both of them were caught cheating from each other but one of them took the onus. He even got thrashing for that but never opened his mouth. One of them even acted as cousin for other in order to shield him from punishments.
It is not that there were no differences, there were differences. One can never expect such diverse minds to match. Both of them never party ed together, but there is something that binds them together. If this is called friendship, so it is. But it is very hard to define what it is.....
This post describes how two with two different pole attitudes shared such beautiful moments of friendship.
One of the friends is a bit shy, hesitate to look beyond a time, aggressive, intelligent, lazy but is quick and sharp. The other one is not that shy, always try to look beyond a period, not so aggressive, hard working. However both shared a few qualities but they are quite insignificant to mention here.
I am going to mention some of the beautiful moments both shared........
They met first time in Senior secondary school while solving Co-ordinate geometry problem on second row, third bench sometime around mid August. One was solving problem the other was staring at him.
They turned acquaintances in K K Swain tuition, the common factor was both did not have friends in tuition classes and Jyoti master Chemistry brought them bit closer and they started sharing their experiences.
In school they had their moments, it is not that they always roamed together but there was something that always brought them closer.
One of those factors was cricket, both are fans of watching cricket matches so as so that they bunked classes to watch the match in library and were surprised to find each other in same room. Both of them have been caught red handed while watching matches, but they never repented for the punishment they got. That was the first crisis time both faced together.
Both the friends really spent some light moments in school corridors. Both of them studied together sometimes even over phone.
There was a situation when one of the friend's had a fractured leg and the other had just learned to ride a scoot y but admits all risks the latter provided lift to former in order to collect certificate from home that were required for registration, and in lab exam also helped the former in experiments. There was no emotions pertaining to friendship in latter one but he could never define why he was helping the other guy.
To their bad luck they both landed up in the same engineering Institute and that too in same branch and same section. It is not that we sit together in class but they do share the chair while watching cricket matches in common room.
Both the Semesters they both shared light moments especially while moving together for exams. One of them got opportunity to move up into CSE branch while the other one tried hard to gain a slide up and that too while deciding branch to slide up he took the advice of his so called school friend. The latter one did not know what motivated him to act on the suggestion of other, but took the decision.
While attaining a class test, both of them were caught cheating from each other but one of them took the onus. He even got thrashing for that but never opened his mouth. One of them even acted as cousin for other in order to shield him from punishments.
It is not that there were no differences, there were differences. One can never expect such diverse minds to match. Both of them never party ed together, but there is something that binds them together. If this is called friendship, so it is. But it is very hard to define what it is.....
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