Sri-Lankan Cricketers Air-Lifted from Gaddafi Stadium
In an unprecedented terrorist event, it is 03/03 in Lahore and this time at the recieving end is cricket and the gentlmen of peace. The attack was not intented only on Sri-Lankan cricketers, the attack was on the sport that binds the Indian Subcontinent emotionally and economically. Cricket appears in jeopardy in subcontinent after today.
Lets try to analyze the situation.
The Sri lankan team was given Prime Ministral security, Do Gilani/Zardari move around in ordinary vechicles? Or the Prime Ministral security force is incapable of arresting even one terrorist, when there were around 12 who tried this? Why the route to the ground not sanatized? How could terrorist had the idea about which bus the Sri-Lankan Cricketers were? Was the security blueprint compromised? Why the evidences as shown on TV was mishandled by Lahore police, was that out of hurry or was an attempt to wipe up evidences?
What about assurances been given by Pakistan leaders including Imran Khan, who had suggested that terrorist would not go forward to attack the cricket as they may loose their popularity in Pakistan. Did he failed in his theory? With Hameed Gul pointing towards Indian involvement, he has forgoten that the world donot care about statements from UNO certified terrorists.
If the terrorist were so well armed then why the attackers didnot blow up the entire convoy, when they had enough opportunity? Was this an attempt by Pakistan to divert the attention and gain sympathy from world that they too are victims of terrorism? If Pakistan is fighting terror then why did they enter into an agreement with Taliban in SWAT Valley?
Now analyze direct fallout of this incident. The Pakistan Cricket which was earlier in jeopardy may become a history, with no cricket being played on Pakistan soil. 2011 world cup may move away from Pakistan, and rest of sub continent has to take on under high security. The direct people to people contact in sub continent may come to a halt.
What ever it may be, whatever may be the motive, the attack on cricket today is the worst ever attack on sports after 1972 attack on Isreal players.
There has been enough of apologies and denails. What we can only hope two things right now ,is that Pakistan should realize that time is running out and Sri-Lankan cricketers should be ready for IPL 2009.
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