We will be future of India.......
There are a lot of social issues, about which we feel fascinated to stand on stage and deliver long speeches. Most of us in our lifetime, must have delivered either a formal or informal speech on child labour. However, after reading this blog I am quite sure that most of you will go speechless, the way I was after my conversation with a child in a train.
Last winter I was in Dhauli Express to Balesore. Surprisingly that day the train was not so crowded as it always used to. I was all alone and was feeling bored. Suddenly, I spotted a boy asking me money with a broom in his hand. I was curious to know about him, so I picked him up with two hands and offered him biscuits, but he denied. Then I requested him to sit beside me. Seeing my attitude the person next to me left his place and shifted to some other place but gave me a stray look as if either I have touched something untouchable or as if I am mad. Then the conversation started.....
me: To naa kana? (What is your name?)
boy: Kana?? (What??)
me: Tate kana loka dakanti? (what do people call you?)
boy:kichi semiti thae ki? (Is there something like that??)
( I had not ever imagined that the boy donot even know that there is something called name been given to someone for recognistion)
me: tu kau train re jauchu janichu ki? ( Do you know in which train you are in??)
boy:naa (no) Mate kuha haichi ki khali Baripada parjanta jibu, au rati sudha Bhubaneswar asijibu.( I only know that I have to go to baripada and return to Bhubaneswar by evening)
(He dont even know which train he is going)
me: tu kete tanka collect karu gote dina re?? ( How much you collect in a day??)
(He showed me a bag and said I must have to reach half in a day,I showed him a coin and asked)
me: kete tanka eita?? ( What is the value of this coin??)
( he looked at me in dumb face)
boy: ame bhaina ku nai dai dau, se amaku khaiba ku dianti rati re au muthae paisa dianti.( We give all our money to guy who appointed us in the night and he give us food and a handful of coins)
I was taken aback. I had expected to carry on conversation with him for a long time, but neither he had that much time for me nor I had the courage to listen to him further. Before offering him seat I was determined to motivate him towards education. However, how can one put before a guy the value of education, who donot even have a name.
We stand and deliver speeches. The budget comes up with new trains, bullet trains. But what is there Mr. Lalu for these guys in your budget??
Is it really possible..!!
What can we do for this specific problem which I came to know 2 de for the first time. This is not the problem of un-education,its all about ignorance about the happenings..
srsly it is an unbelievable hard truth re...jst can try n make thngs a bit better for the generations to cum....
dee, it really takes a lot to feel others pain
and with people like you at least these poor children can be hopeful of a better future
lalu isnt gonna live long
yu can shape their future
this and more of the story, as u've narrated, is a horror..though I sometimes do doubt our ability,when we are adults, to still feel their pain the same way as we do now..I hope none of us,ever, become desensitised to what we see around us then.. and the small attempts at social welfare that we..you, for example, indulge in right now, does transcend into something bigger, better later too...
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